Saturday, August 11, 2012


When towelling is $12 per metre on sale it makes bibs a steal to make when if like me, you have a stash of fabric ready and waiting in a box.  1 metre made 17 bibs - incredible. A few pics - cut two of many prints to speed up the process a little.

Personalised Pillowcase

For a special little girl - your own named pillowcase, and the fabric in theme with your party x


It seems that all boys love dinosaurs, so this was the theme for Connor's big bed quilt. He is still a year away from a big bed, but I made on for his brother and gave it to him when he turned 1, so I did the same here. While making it though I realised how much big brother would like it, and possibly want it for himself, so I made him a mini version. I will give both boys a mini quilt for Christmas along with sleeping bags for our camping adventures.  Will need to make a second mini quilt!


I have made many cushions now and sell them via felt and at markets with Lucca and Me.

I simply made this little cot quilt 'just because' I had all the fabrics and was inspired one night. The pattern for the star block is from The Little Craft Store's block of the month project. One day it will find the perfect owner.

As kids we had pillowcase Santa Sacks that mum had decorated with our names and am image with special paint pens that were in vogue in the 80's.  Keeping that tradition alive, I fancied up some pillowcases of my own for the boys.
It has been a long time... I set up this blog as a means to record for myself mostly the things that I make "just because: I want to, or because I think someone else will like it or for the simple love of making.  I will try to go back and add pictures if I have any of my creations between then and now, and possibly stay more up to date in future???? 

Bunting Quilt for a Baby

Made with Beatrix Potter left overs.  For a lovely friend's first baby!
I loved making this little quilt, and it was so simple!